Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Belize: Day One (Lauren Perkins)

I should have been tired this morning, waking up so early after getting so little sleep, but I was surprisingly energized. The event that our group has been working so hard towards had finally arrived; We were going to Belize! Months of fundraisers and planning are finally coming to fruition.

Our flights to Dallas and then on to Belize were both smooth. On the flight to Belize, we met up with the group of six students from TAMIU and also got the opportunity to meet a group from Kansas that was also doing study abroad.
Once we arrived in Belize, we breezed through customs in about an hour and then boarded the bus to our hotel. On the road to the hotel, I noticed that Belize looked very different than I expected. While it isn't a major metropolis, it isn't a small village with huts either. The roads were very narrow and the drivers drove very fast, but I put my faith in their hands knowing that to them it wasn't too narrow or too fast.

The Ramada Princess Hotel is beautiful and fun! We had an hour after arrival to settle in and get down to dinner, which was at the hotel restaurant Princess Calypso. We could chose between a varity of sandwiches and baskets of fish, chicken or shrimp. The fish seemed to be the favorite of the group. At dinner, six of the girls from TAMUK were paired with the six girls from TAMIU and the remaining TAMUK girls were paired together. In these groups we will prepair presentations about different language disorders to present to the teachers and staff at Stella Maris school and hopefully show them some new ways to help their students.

Tomorrow we have an early day! We hit the road at 7:15am and will be travelling by water taxi to San Pedro! There we will have the opportunity to go snorkling and explore the island so that we can learn more about the culture. So far, this trip is unBELIZEable!!

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